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Relaxing At Home (While The World Collapses) (2024)

We recycle the bottles of our supermarket wine and the boxes of our cereals. We check our food labels to make sure that they are grown without pesticides, and are the product of fair trade. And so we believe that we are being responsible, that the exploitation that is required so that every product that we want reaches the door of our house is not our business, because we still look at the labels and we do not buy from the most wicked, evil merchants.

But it is our business, both individually and collectively. We have let ourselves be carried away by a system that convinces us to buy things that we do not need, and that are manufactured at the cost of the dignity and lives of many humble people in distant countries.

These images express that distressing reality. To keep buying is inevitable, but at the same time it is a crime. The comfort that advertising shows us hides the misery that is involved in the manufacturing, transportation and marketing of those things that society tells us we want.

These images were created to illustrate the 6 songs (+ the new cover) of the EP "Relaxing At Home While The World Collapses" from my experimental/lo-fi/vintage/jazzy project "Supermarket Wine", originally recorded during the pandemic lockdown, and published in 2020.

The high-resolution JPG versions of the images are included with the EP.