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To Copy And To Paste (2024)

Office work is not, in the end, about achieving the goals of the organization, let alone satisfying the professional aspirations of the workers, no. Office work is a ridiculous power game, where originality is punished, processes and procedures take precedence over logic, and critical thinking is considered a threat that must be neutralized.

But society insists on selling us the idea that office work is the ultimate ideal. It’s not dirty or tiring like manual work. It’s not unstable and unpredictable like entrepreneurship. It’s not useless like art. And no, it’s not. But it’s not healthy for humans either.

This project explores repetition as a way to express the absurdity of those power dynamics that most of us have encountered in the workplace, and the overall futility of contemporary office work.

These images were created to illustrate the 6 songs (+ the new cover) of the EP "To Copy And To Paste" from my experimental/lo-fi/glitchy project "Something’s Not Wrong", originally recorded during the pandemic lockdown, and published in 2020.

The high-resolution JPG versions of the images are included with the EP.